About Erasmus

The Erasmus program is a European Union program aimed at encouraging higher education institutions to cooperate with each other. Higher education institutions produce and implement joint projects with each other; It provides free financial support for short-term student and staff exchanges.

In addition, it also encourages increasing the relations and cooperation between higher education institutions and business environments in order to develop the higher education system in line with the needs of the business world and to increase the employability of university graduates in the business world.

The Erasmus program is a European Union program aimed at encouraging higher education institutions to cooperate with each other. Higher education institutions produce and implement joint projects with each other; It provides free financial support for short-term student and staff exchanges.

Erasmus activities in Turkey are organized within the National Agency.

Our department has student and faculty exchange agreements with the following universities:

- Universidad de Sevilla - Spain
- Magyar Agrar- Es Elettudomani Egyetem - Hungary
- Technische Universität Chemnitz - Germany
- Kaunas University of Technology - Lithuania

You can contact our Erasmus representative Ahmet Cüneyt Armağan about the Erasmus activities of our department. acarmagan@yalova.edu.tr
For more information about Erasmus, you can visit our university's ERASMUS page. http://erasmus.yalova.edu.tr/